Sunday, January 13, 2019

We have had our wings clipped -- just as well

The idea of being blessed in a small space takes a lot of getting used to ( partly because we are greedy and dissatisfied by nature and partly because it is a struggle to gain our daily bread from our small patch ) 

But this is Gods wisdom and plan for us -
That unbelievers can' t see it doesn't surprise me . They want walls where maybe none are needed or wont accept walls where they are needed ( roles and responsibility and accountability ) 
God surprises us with his ability to supply and break through the walls .

Something has to die .

I don't like the idea any more than you do - but this is the world we live in .January 2018
A huge uproar occurs in Australia when fish die in large numbers in a place where they would normally and have done for Millenia. The bigger mega fauna of Australia  couldn't cool down either in this old hard and flat land . The kangaroos and goats starved to death overmonths while the fish died suddenly .
Whats with this concern for just one animal?